Wednesday, November 19, 2008


had to happen.

i have used one of my bowls as a subject.

(i am sure they will pop up again.)(and again)


Framing Images and Memories said...

You like bowls?? I LOVE bowls...don't ask me why.. I dont cook, I dont collect, I dont decorate, I don't often even use a bowl..but it's a joke with people who know me...there will be a store full of items and I go for the bowls!! So...I love your pictures! nice job..made me smile.

Linda said...

Bridget, that one is beautiful and very worthy of a portrait. I'm struggling tonight and the time is growing short, so I'm thinking my post will be pretty boring. I don't have anything as pretty as your bowl.

J.L.Velez said...

It's a very pretty bowl. It has probably been sitting there for months looking for attention:) You made the bowl very happy today!

trishalyn said...

Simple yet quite elegant! Nice job, Bridget! I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your lovely bowls. :-)