Tuesday, December 30, 2008


another late night.

thank god for the christmas decorations!

a christmas bowl.


Framing Images and Memories said...

You and I are late night posters today! Very nice bowl and congrats on the camera! Lots to learn and the fun learning it will come through in your images as well.

Linda said...

Beautiful bowl and I like the way you get different perspectives.

trishalyn said...

Glad you tried different perspectives. Notice how shooting down at a subject "flattens" it? Makes for an interesting image! Beautiful bowl...nice job, Bridget! Question: were these shot with your new camera? Can't wait to hear how you like your new toy! :-)

philmary said...

Interesting views

J.L.Velez said...

The new camera looks great! How do you like it? Your bowl is extremely beautiful. I'd love to see it in a higher light setting where the facets are truly shining! Happy New Year Bridget!